Thinking Of Higher Education ?
Thinking Of Higher Education ?
Thinking of Higher Education?
Crescent Erudition is a Mentoring and Career Counseling organization associated closely with Working Professional, Students, Parents, Educational Groups and Corporate. We aim to prepare professionals that are demanded by employers across the globe and in return they can accelerate their career growth to its full potential.
Crescent Erudition was started by two visionary people who focused to bring revolution in the Ed-Tech Industry. The main objective was to fill the gap for aspirants who wants to pursue higher education.
Our counsellor‘s are highly skilled and experienced in field of counseling. We believe in professionalism and give utmost priority on Student service. We provide our students with honest advice and dedicated support to achieve effective outcomes.
To be the market leader in providing one-stop study solutions for the students and working professionals and help them to achieve their goals through proper guidance and career counseling. Simultaneously, to add value for our institutions and all other stakeholders.
An online program can be delivered entirely online or in a blended format. Online programs do not require the student’s physical presence on a university campus and lectures are delivered Online.It is a program of learning that’s organized according to a syllabus and that takes place in a virtual space. Online learning means that you study remotely. It’s an alternative way to study at university, and instead of going to classrooms, you study at home, or wherever you choose, via the internet.
It is the Traditional Classroom Experience, where it involves face-to-face interaction with instructors and Students. It provides a structured learning environment with fixed schedules and real-time interaction with teachers.
It encourages peer interaction and collaboration, fostering teamwork and social development. Furthermore, in-person study allows for hands-on experiences, laboratory work, and practical demonstrations.
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